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10 Christian Books for Baby

Books are a great way to pass time, interact with your baby, and teach language skills to your little one! They can also be a great way to introduce your children to faith and God’s love from the very beginning. There are many books about Jesus, prayer, and Christian values out there. Some are obvious and studious like beginner’s story bibles and some simply follow themes that instill Christian love. Whatever your day calls for, there is a great Christian book out there for you to share with your little one. Check out this post to see some of our favorites and suggestions for Christian books for baby.

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Also, remember that books make great gifts! Consider adding some of these favorites to your Amazon Baby Registry.

Here are 10 Christian books for baby:

    1. The Beginner’s Bible: Timeless Children’s Stories

      This is a great book to start with your newborn! The stories are short and very simple. each story is only a few sentences, so you can decide how much to read at a time. It’s also easy to read while sleep deprived.

    2. God Gave Us You

      The adorable story of a mama bear telling her cub how God gave the cub to her parents! This is the sweetest book, and a great bedtime read.

    3. God Gave Us Christmas

      There is a whole series of God Gave Us books, and I would love to have them all! This one is the Christmas version. To be honest, we haven’t read this one ourselves, but I’m sure it is a great holiday twist. Other books in the God Gave Us series include: God Gave Us Family God Gave Us Two God Gave Us Heaven and several more!

      Looking for more ways to teach your infant about God? Check out these ideas!

    4. God Bless You and Good Night

      Another very sweet bedtime read. This book/poem is a quick read just the right length to rock your little one before putting them to bed alongside the animal characters in the book.

    5. Bob Lends a Helping . . . Hand?

      Our Peanut is two now, and like most two-year-olds attaches himself to favorite things. This book is one of his current favorite things. Classic VeggieTales characters Bob and Larry teach us the lesson “to be God’s superhero, simply lend a helping hand!” (Yes, I’ve read this one so many times that I can quote it from memory.)

    6. Baby’s First Book of Prayers

      There are plenty of variations on prayer books for baby available. You can teach your little one about talking to God from the very beginning.

      You may also enjoy this post: Prayers to Start Your Day with Baby.

    7. Noah’s Ark (Lift-the-Flap)

      Noah’s Ark always seems to be a favorite story to share with children. Here’s an adorable lift the flap version of the familiar journey.

    8. The Easter Story

      Opposite Christmas, comes Easter! Here’s a short board book to introduce your kiddos to the concept of Jesus’s resurrection.

    9. I Prayed for You

      I Prayed for You is another sweet, sweet book about how God gives babies to their parents. Snuggle up and try to fight those postpartum tears.

    10. Thank You, God, For Mommy

      While we’re on the subject of books that bring the tears…I haven’t read this one myself, but I can imagine it would do the same. This little panda cub is thankful for his mama and all of the love that she gives him.

There you have it! The 10 books above are great Christian books for baby. They are great choices to snuggle up with your own little blessing before bedtime or gift to a friend.

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