Last month, I posted 10 Great Direct Sales Companies for Moms. In that post, I interviewed 10 moms who are rocking a business from home. There were no shortage of candidates for those interview spots, and it really got me thinking – Why are MLM companies so great for moms?
Please note – the post 10 Great Direct Sales Companies for Moms has since been updated to a new format. This post was written at a time when I was working with an MLM company. That opportunity did not end up working out for me, but I would like to leave this post out there. Many women do enjoy working with an MLM or direct sales company as a main source of income.
Here are 10 reasons that MLM companies are great for moms:
1. They allow you to work from anywhere
Many companies are now based online, which means that you can work from anywhere that you have internet access and a smartphone. Some still are based in party sales, but being able to quickly set up shop out of the trunk of your car still allows for portability!
2. You decide how much effort you put in
There are people who are in it for the discount and people who are in it for that 6 figure per month income. It’s really up to you to determine what amount of time and effort you want to spend on your business. In most cases, that will directly correlate with what you get out of it.
Are you trying to decide if being a working mom, stay at home mom, or work from home mom is the best choice for you? Check out this post here for things to consider!
3. The hours are entirely flexible
The beauty of working remote is that you can work whenever you have a chance. This is especially great for moms who just want to work during a nap or breastfeeding session so that it doesn’t take time away from her family.
4. Working from home, means saving on childcare
Childcare alone takes a huge cut out of many family’s stream of income. For people working entry-level jobs it can even be the three-quarters or more of your paycheck! It’s hard to justify going to work just so that you can pay someone to watch your child while you work.
5. You will connect with people through your business
I have made friends through my wine business that I can now talk to about anything. My teammates are my girls, and our whole larger team is like one big, supportive family. If you are a stay-at-home mom, you may be missing that element of adult interaction that you once got from your day job. You can still have that through a work from home business.
6. The start up cost is much less than starting a business on your own
Depending on the company the startup cost can be anywhere from $5-$1000. Many people don’t see those larger numbers at the investment that it really is. When you buy into an MLM, you are starting your own business with your own earning potential. You are paying for – training, support staff, possibly inventory, marketing, your website, as well as all of the research and licensing that it took to make that business run. Imagine having to put the time and money that it took to create those things into a business yourself. The cost would be much higher!
7. They are fun
This one varies by person, but I have fun with my company! I love the connections that I make and the events that I get to be a part of. Not to mention if you love your product.
8. It’s a way to save on quality products
A lot of people really just do it for the discounts! Most MLM companies offer a higher-quality product for a bit higher price than store brands. When you find a make-up, skincare, supplement, t-shirt, whatever it is that you like, most people become brand loyal. If you have a favorite line of products, it pays to become a distributor instead of continuing to pay full price.
9. There are goals and accomplishments built in
As parents, a lot of our accomplishments come from our children. It is nice to have some goals that just for ourselves. MLM companies usually have ranks and incentives within their structure for people who want to push themselves. It can feel really great to get a promotion or meet your sales goal for the month!
10. They provide some extra income
I think this one is probably the most obvious reason for many people to join an MLM company. For the people who really succeed, there is good money to be made in any of the reputable companies.
Someone I know does Usbourne books and they are amazing. I think she does really quite well for herself! I’m glad you are enjoying yourself! #twinklytuesday
I’ve not heard a lot about MLM’s but its definitely something that could be appealing to me after my maternity leave as I’m thinking about leaving my job for other ventures. #TriumphantTales
It is a great alternative to a “regular” job for a lot of moms.
Thanks for stopping by!
MLMs can be a great extra income your right! And there are soooo many companies out there now. You can definitely find something you really like to sell it love using. I’m not part of one currently, but considering a new company now… Well see how I like their products after a few more months! #allformammas
Yes, there are a TON of companies to chose from. I hope you have found something that you will love.
Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
I’ve never heard of MLM but it sounds like a win-win situation! Might have to look to see if there are any in the UK!
Thank you for sharing this with us at #TriumphantTales. I hope to see you back next week.
They are great for people who work at them! I know that my company (wine!) is moving to the UK next month, so let me know if you would like to hear about that one.
I know that there are some great options in the UK, but I’m not sure which companies are there right now. I’m sure google can help you out with that one. 🙂
I have a list of 10 great companies linked at the beginning of this post which could be a great starting point for anyone who is researching.
I have had people approach me about joining these groups before. I think it’s a great idea if it works for you. I am lucky to be a ble to do some work from home whilst working part-time in a school. Sarah #FabFridayPost
That sounds like a great arrangement that you have!
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
I’m so exhausted I would probably fail miserably at one of these MLM groups. Although I am sure they work for many, I’m not sure its my cuppa tea! #globablogging
That is fair enough! I think to many people don’t realize the work that will go into running their own business. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
There are so many of them now. Thanks for linking up to #globalblogging
There definitely are! For better or worse. Haha.
Thanks for stopping by!
I must admit I was always unsure about MLMs but joined one myself recently in order to both get a great product at a more affordable price myself and to increase income and flexibility in a life with 3 young kids! it has been great fun connecting with other mamas in my new online community too! #allformamas
I am so glad that you found a great opportunity! Thanks for stopping over. 🙂