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Before we get started, I’d like to point out one disposable item that is creating a huge problem at the moment – masks! Please, please be conscious of your disposable mask usage. Consider a reusable mask if that is an option for you. If disposable masks are unavoidable, make sure to dispose of them properly.
Here are 15 ways to eliminate single use plastics and reduce plastic waste:
1. Switch to reusable snack bags
All of those plastic baggies add up over time! Think about the pile that you would create each week just by using one each day. Try using reusable plastic or fabric snack bags
2. Ask for no straw
Ah, the great straw debate! You’ve probably already heard that skipping the straw is a great way to save on plastic. If you really need a straw, you can always bring a metal or reusable plastic one with you. They even make collapsable straws
3. Bring your own cup
One step further than bringing your own straw is bringing your own cup. All of those coffee and soda cups really do pile up overtime. My favorite go-to for iced coffee and other cold drinks is a tumbler like this one
4.Use wooden/bamboo toothbrushes
We recently made this switch and it was so easy. I found these bamboo toothbrushes
5. Bring your own silverware
Instead of grabbing the plastic utensils from the break room, bring a fork or spoon with you from home. We have a set of these handy little spoon-fork things
6. Switch to metal razors
My husband and I recently joined Dollar Shave Club and I am loving it so far! Metal razors don’t waste as much plastic and feel higher quality. I always thought that they would be more expensive, but a higher quality razor lasts longer. In the end, it’s about the same and I get a better shave. If you’re not into subscription services you can always just buy metal razors from the store or Amazon
7. Just say no to disposable water bottles
This one seems too simple to need an explanation. Disposable water bottles are expensive and not biodegradable. Invest in a nice glass water bottle
8. Bring your own grocery bags
Another simple switch to make. Many stores even offer a discount for bringing your own bags. Plus one big tote bag is easier to carry than a bunch of little plastic bags. I try to keep a couple of tote bags in my car, but I also have a little key chain bag like this
9. Try bar soaps and shampoos
I’ll be honest, I haven’t given this one a try yet. I saw a friend share a bar shampoo
10. Don’t buy individual servings
We’re back to small containers
11. Ditch the dryer sheets
Dryer sheets are full of gross chemicals and…you guessed it, plastic. Wool dryer balls
12. Switch to menstrual cups
Tampons and pads are made mostly of cotton (bleached and processed with things you don’t want in your body), but the applicators and packaging contain plastic. I made the switch to a menstrual cup
13. Stop using k-cups
They’re so convenient, right?? Well, those little plastic cups are expensive and not biodegradable. Try a reusable cup
14. DIY your cleaning products
This one eliminates plastic bottles as well as other avoidable chemicals from your home. Try making your own cleaning products in glass bottles
15. Switch to Cloth Diapers
In updating this post, I realized that I failed to include one of the biggest sources of waste for most parents – diapers! I read once that diapers take hundreds of years to decompose. That means that every single diaper that has ever been dumped into a landfill is still on our planet! How gross is that to think about? We made the switch to cloth diapers, and I am so happy when I think about the amount of diapers that we haven’t contributed to that pile. If you’re considering cloth diapering, check out this post to see what it takes to get started.
What are some other favorite ways to eliminate single use plastics from your home? Do you have a super simple tip to help reduce plastic waste? Share in the comments.