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25 Things That Are Easier When You Have a Baby

A couple of weeks ago I shared this list of 25 Things That Are Unexpectedly Hard When You Have a Baby. It was a fun little list of parenting truths that I think all moms and dads can relate to. At the risk of being a negative nancy, I wanted to come together to complain and bond in our exhaustion and suffering for a minute. Now, in an effort to show everyone that it is not all bad, here are 25 Things That Are Easier When You Have a Baby.

Parenting is a struggle, but it is one that we wouldn’t trade for the world! The joy and fun that come along with the chores and responsibility are well worth it. Nothing can top the smile on your child’s face, and that is something that I wouldn’t trade for the world.

Here are 25 things that are easier when you have a baby:

Having someone to talk to
Finding someone to snuggle
Bragging to friends

Making excuses to stay home
Making excuses to leave anything early
Making excuses for being tired
Getting likes on social media
Talking to your parents
Finding joy in fun experiences – like trips to the zoo or park
Playing outside
Noticing the small things
Getting through books (so they’re only 15 pages…that’s still reading, right?)
Encouraging your friends to visit
Encouraging your family to visit
Waving at strangers
Telling yourself it’s ok to have a messy home
Reliving childhood memories
Allowing yourself to ask for help
Making small talk with other parents
Feeling like your dance moves don’t suck
Making up silly songs
Finding something to be thankful for
Making massive quantities of trash
Becoming less materialistic
Having a reason to smile


What else? What are the best things that have become better or easier in your life since having a baby?


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