Cleaning and decluttering is a must for any household. For anyone with rambunctious kids or wild pets, you may find yourself cleaning up messes and spills on an hourly basis. Although cleaning can be a hassle, it’s actually a great area where you can save money. One great way to save is by making your own cleaners. Although this sounds like something tedious and difficult to do, it’s relatively simple and it can be fun to create your own household supplies. To start, you can try this homemade orange spice cleaner. It’s made with only 7 ingredients or supplies and 3 quick steps. You can make your own budget-friendly cleaner that can potentially be much safer than the cleaners that you use in your home now.
Furniture and Decor
Furniture and decor are important and, arguably, some of the more expensive aspects of our homes. We all know furniture pieces can cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars, but decor can run on the more expensive side as well. It’s important to find small hacks that you can implement when purchasing pieces or looking to vamp up your home’s design. For furniture, do not be afraid to repurpose. Although it is very much underrated, it is a great way to create authentic pieces that you can be proud of. If you really want a good project to try, go to your local thrift store or flea market to find a chair or side table that could use a little love. Use different fabrics, paints, and accents to make the perfect furniture piece to complement the rest of your home.
You can also use this same strategy with decor pieces. Repurpose items or find less expensive alternatives that will work for your home. For those who fill their homes with greenery and bright colors, you can find inexpensive decor alternatives by reusing or purchasing things like holiday garland or wreaths. These help to bring the same cozy feel without having to spend hundreds on full-price home decor. For others, finding those local flea markets, yard sales, and thrift stores is how they find meaningful pieces and avoid paying the full price.
Food, of course, is everyone’s favorite thing to spend money on but it sure can add up quickly. Especially with hungry and energetic kids, trips to the grocery store can easily turn into chaos. There are plenty of ways to cut back on grocery spending as well. First, make a list and a budget before you get to the grocery store. If necessary, include the kids in this so that there are no surprises when you get there. Let each child fit one or two of their favorite snacks onto the list so that it is already budgeted for. The most important step is to stick to the list! Once you start doing this on a consistent basis you’ll ideally start to notice a decrease in your grocery expenses. For some ideas where to start, check out this list of cheap and healthy grocery staples.
You can also make smaller changes that will help cut down on the grocery bill. For the items that aren’t absolute must-haves, try buying the generic versions to save a few dollars. Likewise, cut back on things that have less expensive alternatives like bottled water. Instead, invest in a water filter for your faucet or just a filtered pitcher. You will have peace-of-mind in knowing that your water is clean, and also save a little when grocery shopping.
When it comes to entertainment, these aren’t necessities but rather, things we very much enjoy and therefore spend our money on. With enough rented movies, date nights, and family activities, you can end up spending more than expected on entertainment. A great way to save on entertainment in your home is to cut out that cable bill. It may sound crazy but with the abundance of streaming and subscription entertainment services available, it’s actually an easy transition for many families in recent years. It’s also easy to save on outings to restaurants and movies by creating an inexpensive alternative in your own home. Explore a number of different ideas for a date night with your husband or family time with the kids. Get creative with how you go about it and watch as your spending decreases while maintaining the same quality time you’ve always had with your loved ones.
Making Small Changes Will Really Add Up
Saving money doesn’t have to be scary. Take your time and find what works for you. There’s no right or wrong way to do it, but for those of us who can’t plan out an entire budget, we can try these quick fixes to help cut down on our spending throughout the year. Comment below with one of the spending hacks you’ve tried this year and how it has helped you in your home.
Author Bio
Lucy is a Content Creator based in Dallas, Texas. Outside of work, she spends much of her time crafting, painting, and decorating her home. She loves creating authentic pieces through art and DIYs and finding new ways to stylize her space without breaking the bank.