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5 Signs Your Toddler Might Be Ready For Potty Training

When you have a baby or young toddler, it can feel like diapers are just a part of your life and always will be. The good news is that one day, all of the diaper changes will come to an end! June is national potty training month, so now is the perfect time to look forward to the transition out of diapers for good. Someday your little one will be potty trained and gain a huge amount of independence. Right now, it probably seems like that day is far off, but your toddler may already be giving you signs that the time for potty training is coming. The timing needs to be right in order to make potty training a smooth transition for the whole family. Check out these 5 signs that your toddler may be ready to start potty training soon.

*please note: this post is sponsored by Pull-Ups, but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

Toddlers who are ready to be potty trained soon usually display the following signs.

1. They tell you before or right after having a dirty diaper.

I remember the first time that Peanut told us that he needed a diaper change. He said something that sounded vaguely like diaper and pointed to his pants. I was so excited for his first sign that potty training may be on the horizon. We still have abit to go, but it’s a relief to know that the end is in sight.

2. They show interest when others use the toilet.

At some point, your little one’s following you into the bathroom will turn from not wanted to leave you into an interest in what you are doing. Like with anything else, he or she sees what you are doing and wants to be able to do that too.

3. They have wet diapers less frequently.

As toddler becomes aware of the action of soiling a diaper, they will start doing it less frequently. You will notice that you are going through less diapers throughout the day – extra bonus.

4. They wake up dry after naps.

This is a great sign that your growing kiddo may be ready to potty train. A toddler who wakes up with a dry diaper is less likely to wet the bed with big boy undies on.

5. They may have a regular dirty diaper schedule.

You may notice more patterns to your little one’s dirty diapers. This is another great sign that potty training may be just around the corner!


Potty Training with Huggies Pull-Ups

Once your little one is ready to give potty training a go, Huggies can help with the transition. They are a great middle ground between diapers and big kid undies. As the name suggests, Pull-ups pull up like undies for your little one to practice. They also have a closure at the sides like diapers in case you need to do a change. Plus Pull-ups come in fun designs that include characters that kiddos know and love. The best part is that you can get them for 20% off from Amazon Subscribe & Save! (you all know how much I love Subscribe & Save)

We are still waiting for Peanut to be ready for potty training. He’s 21 months right now, and not consistent enough in showing the signs of readiness. There are days that all of these signs apply though, so I know that it’s right around the corner!

Mamas – was there any big clue that your little was ready to potty train? Tell us about it in the comments!

A little extra bonus content – Apparently Pull-ups also make great hats for while you hang out an watch TV. *shrug* Clearly my little model was not too cooperative for taking pictures for this post. He did, however, enjoy hanging out in his new big boy pants.

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