Fall Family Bucket List

Looking for some fun family activities before winter sets in? Check out this Fall Family Bucketlist. #fall #fallfun #familyfun #bucketlist

September is here, and fall is starting to set in! Fall is very special time for our family that is full of great traditions. My husband and I had our first date at a pumpkin patch and a year later he proposed at the same place. We’ve always gone pumpkin picking and in more recent years, added apple picking to our must-do list. There are so many fun fall activities to fit into the next couple of months. I decided to add them all to a fall Family bucket list.  read more

The Best Deals on Amazon Family

Amazon Family is a great way to save on diapers, snacks, and other household staples! The best part is that it's free with your Prime membership. #deals #dealsformom #amazonfamily #amazonprime #diapers

As the holidays draw near, it can be important to cut back on daily spending to make room in your budget for things like fun outings and gifts for your loved ones. One great way to save on household staples is by using Amazon Family, and specifically the Amazon Subscribe and Save feature. Subscribe and Save is a free program for Amazon Prime members that allows you the convenience of a subscription service with a discount as an added bonus! Some items seem to be close to the same price as they would be in stores, but with a little bit of hunting there are some great deals to be found. Check out this post to see how it works and learn some of the best deals on Amazon Family. read more

The Best Place to See Santa in Milwaukee – Top 5 Santa Spots Ranked by Moms (2018)

I asked local moms to vote on the best place to see Santa in Milwaukee. Here are the top 5 mom favorite Santa Spots. #Santa #Christmas #MKE #MKEMom #MilwaukeeMom

Visiting Santa is a holiday tradition that many families look forward to every year! It can be a fun event for children or a crazy and long process for the whole family. Unfortunately, holiday crowds are a big part of the season, but there are so many places to see Santa that you should be able to find one that will be a fun family outing! Visiting Santa should be a magical experience that your little ones can look back on fondly. I asked local moms to vote on the best place to see Santa in Milwaukee. Here are their choices for the top 5 best Santa spots. read more

thredUP Review – Maternity Edition

Need some new staples for your maternity wardrobe, but don't want to spend a fortune? Shop #secondhandfirst with thredUP! #sponsored #thredup #maternity #pregnant #maternityoutfit

When it comes to baby and maternity clothes, I hate spending money on things that I am only going to use for such a short time! Maternity clothes especially can be really expensive. With both of my pregnancies, I have been fortunate enough to have friends pass on some of their old clothes. Hand-me-downs have seriously been great, and their clothes are always still in great condition. During my first pregnancy, I ended up doing one big shopping trip from an online consignment shop to get the rest of the staples that I needed. Unfortunately, my second baby is going to be born in the exact opposite time of year. I have one September baby and am expecting our next little one to arrive in April. Guess those prized maternity jean shorts won’t come in too handy for this winter pregnancy. Now it’s time for another shopping spree from thredUP! Check out this post to read my thredUP maternity review and see some of my favorite new pieces for fall and the upcoming holiday season. read more

Homemade Orange Spice Cleaner

Are you looking for a natural cleaner for your home's surfaces? Check out this homemade orange spice cleaner recipe! #greencleaning #essentialoils #DIY #vinegar

Cleaning with vinegar is a trick that goes back generations. It’s a simple, inexpensive, natural alternative to many chemicals that we use to clean our homes. Unfortunately, many people don’t really like the smell of vinegar, and it is one that can linger. This homemade orange spice cleaner masks the vinegar smell plus adds in oranges, which are said to have antibacterial properties of their own. Throw in some germ-busting essential oils, and you have a great multipurpose solution that will clean your home’s surfaces and leave behind a nice, pleasant smell behind! Check out my recipe for homemade orange spice cleaner below. read more

14 Perfect Fall Nail Polish Colors

Do you love a nice fall nail polish color? Check out these awesome shades that are perfect for fall! #nailpolish #fallfashion #Avon #bosslife #fallnailpolish

Fall is coming, fall is coming! If you can’t tell, I am a little bit excited. I love the cool dry air, the crunching leaves, and of course fall fashion colors. I love a good, deep nail polish year round, but they seem to be the in thing when fall comes around. Avon has a few really great shades that I am looking forward to trying out this year! Keep scrolling to check out a few of my favorites. There’s still time to order just in time for fall. If you’re new to Avon, or just haven’t created an account yet, you can use code WELCOME10 to get 10% off your first order. read more

Working Mom, Stay at Home Mom, or Work from Home Mom – which is the best choice for you?

How do you decide if returning to work is really the right choice for you? Should you be a stay at home mom, working mom, or work from home mom? #sahm #workingmom #wahm #stayathomemom #workfromhome

In a world where we like to categorize things and people, the type of mom you are may mean a lot to you! There are many moms who identify very strongly as a “crunchy mom,” “millennial mom,” “new age mom,” “old fashioned mom,” “overprotective mom,” “relaxed mom,” the list can go on and on. One of the biggest labels that determines how you see yourself as a mom is frequently your occupation. Whether you are a working mom, a stay-at-home mom, or a work-from-home mom will have a huge impact on how you raise your family! In fact, this can sometimes feel like the biggest decision associated with becoming a mother. The tough part is that no one path is best for every family. How do you decide which choice is right for you? read more

Stock Your Home for Back to School Season

[#ad] Check out these great deals from Kleenex, Scott, Cottonelle and Viva for back to school. #shopbacktoschool #backtoschool #dealsformom

Can you believe that it’s August already? It still feels like summer where we are, but I know that fall is just around the corner. It’s time to start thinking about crunchy leaves, cozy sweaters, and pumpkin baked goods! Ok, I may be getting a little ahead of myself. It is actually time to think about sending the kiddos back to school and switching gears into our fall schedules. Whether your little ones are headed off to school for the first time, returning to a higher grade level, or resuming their fall daycare schedules, Amazon can help cut down the shopping stress by delivering your school supplies and household staples right to your home. Check out this great deal to stock your home, your backpacks, or your children’s classrooms with the paper products that you need to be prepared. read more

22 Ideas for Date Night at Home

Getting out of the house for date night can be a struggle! Check out these fun ideas to date your spouse at home. #marriage #datenight #nightin #dateyourspouse

The idea of date night at home doesn’t exactly sound like a thrilling time, does it? For some of us, it really is the best alternative or only option! Whether you are trying to save money, don’t want to hire a babysitter, don’t have much time, or just want to spend time with your spouse in the privacy of your own home, a date night in can be a great way to connect with your partner. There are many fun activities that you can do at home. The most important thing is to just set aside some time to spend together. Turn off your phones, put the kids to bed, and just make your date night a priority. Check out these 22 ideas to have a fun and creative date night at home. read more