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Healthy Homemade Apple Chips

Apple chips are a favorite healthy snack in our family. Every fall we go to an orchard and pick a bushel of apples and we make pie and apple chips out of them. We even went this past year when we had a one month old baby! It was a nice outing…but I’m not sure that we would do that again. That’s a story that I don’t need to get into now. 🙂 Anyway, apple chips are great. They are a healthy treat to replace either sweets or your crunchy snacks. They are also so simple to make. I know that some people add sugar to theirs, but I really don’t think that the apples need it.

If you want to read more about the benefits of food dehydration, check out this post:

Why and How to Dehydrate Food

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To make your apple chips you will need:

You can always mix up the spices if you want as well. In this batch I used 2 tbs of cinnamon because I really love cinnamon…2 tbs was a lot though. I would say 1 – 1 1/2 would be better.

Step 1:
Cut the apples into slices

The thickness is sort of up to you, just make sure that they are all consistent. Thinner slices will dry faster and end up crispier.

Step 2:
In a mixing bowl, sprinkle lemon juice and spices over apple slices

Step 3:
Toss and coat the apple slices evenly

Step 4:
Lay the apple slices flat in the dehydrator

Step 5:
Leave in dehydrator on high for 8-10 hours, until desired crispness.

I usually rotate the trays every hour or so because I think it makes them dry more evenly.


Step 6:

I gave one to my 8-month-old and he loved it. He chewed on it until it was mostly a rehydrated mess and actually consumed about half of it. 🙂

What’s your favorite dehydrated snack? I’d love some new recipes to try. Tell me in the comments.


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