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Once Again Hazelnut Amore Spread

I will be the first to admit that I was a big sugar fiend as a kid and all the way through college. (In fact, I already admitted it to you all in a post last month.) As most people do, I have outgrown my sweet tooth…to a big extent. Even now, I am a big sucker for donuts and anything dark chocolate. This includes chocolate hazelnut spread and chocolate peanut butter! My husband has told me that I shouldn’t be allowed to buy them because I will go through a jar so quickly. Oops! Recently, I had the chance to try out a new (new to me anyway) hazelnut spread from Once Again Nut Butter. Keep reading to hear my thoughts and where to find some yummy recipes.

*  I received this product for free from Moms Meet ( to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.

Once Again Hazelnut Amore

Once Again Hazelnut Amore Spread  is an organic, non-gmo, and gluten free treat. I was really excited to try this product when it arrived. As I said, I love chocolate hazelnut spread, and it has been a long time since I have allowed myself to buy a jar. This spread was a little different than spreads that I’ve had in the past. It has less sugar, so it’s a little less sweet. The hazelnut and coco flavors really come through since they aren’t overpowered by the sweetness. The texture of this spread is different too. I don’t want to say that it’s gritty because that makes it sound unpleasant, but there is some texture in it. I think brownie batter is the closest thing that I can relate it to.

I’ve been eating my hazelnut Amore spread on fruit, and especially love it on bananas. Once Again has a really great sounding recipe for brownies on their website that I would love to try sometime as well. There are recipes for all of their products if you are looking for ideas.

At $9.95/jar, this will likely not become a staple in my grocery stock. I will definitely add it to my list of indulgences for when I need something to treat myself. It may pop up on some gift idea lists in the future!

You can get some Once Again Natural products on Amazon, but it doesn’t look like their hazelnut spread is available right now. For a list of retailers in your area check out their site here. Otherwise, you can buy it online here


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