Date Night In Box Review and GIVEAWAY!

#ad and #giveaway Looking for a fun night in with your significant other?? Check out Night In Boxes and enter to win a box on us! #datenight #nightinboxes #marriage #dateyourspouse

Getting out of the house as a parent can be a big adventure. Getting out of the house as a parent without your child in tow…well, for a lot of us it doesn’t happen often. It can be hard to find the time and energy to date your spouse while you have a baby or young child at home. That doesn’t mean that making time for your relationship is any less important! A great way to keep your relationship a priority is to have planned date time at home. It can be as simple as dinner and a movie, having a glass of wine and talking, or making a special desert after baby is in bed. Date Night In can help you mix it up by sending everything you need for date night right to you each month. Learn how it works, see my experience, and enter to win a box of your own! read more

How to Get Your Toddler to Eat Dairy (when he/she won’t drink milk)

#ad Getting your toddler to eat enough dairy is important. Especially if he won't drink milk! @happytot makes that much easier with whole milk yogurt pouches. #healthysnack #toddlermom #happybellies

We have had a real struggle with getting our 18-month-old Peanut to drink milk out of a cup. He will drink water all day out of a sippy cup, and he will drink milk out of a bottle, but he just refuses to drink milk out of his sippy cups. We have tried them all – regular sippy cups, bottle-shaped sippy cups, 360 cups, cups with straws, you name it. He will have none of it! As we tried to take his bottle away, he got less and less milk. Now he has been without his bottle for a week, and has not drank any milk in that time. We talked to his doctor about the importance of dairy in his diet, and she does not seem worried as long as he is eating well. If you’re in the same boat, here are a few tips for getting dairy into your toddler’s diet when he or she won’t eat milk. read more

Pro-tips for Starting an Herb Garden

Starting an herb garden is healthy, inexpensive, and pretty easy! Check out these pro-tips for beginner herb gardening. #gardening #healthy #sustainableliving

Spring is just around the corner! My husband and I are itching to get our vegetable garden planted and add some flowers to our yard. One thing that we love year round is our little herb garden window. It’s just a tiny piece of fresh produce that keeps us going through the winter. In the beginning, it can be hard to learn which herbs grow well indoors or outdoors and how to care for them. That’s where avid gardener Craig comes in! Read on for Craig’s pro-tips to beginner herb gardening. You can also check out Craig’s Complete Guide on How to Grow an Indoor Herb Garden over on his blog Everything Backyard. read more

Not All Olive Oils Are Created Equal (Flavor Your Life!)

Olive Oil is a healthy, delicious option for cooking. Check out how the Flavor Your Life campaign can help you choose the right oils. #flavoryourlife #sp #momsmeet #homecooking #oliveoil

Olive oil has been my go-to cooking oil since I started cooking. I think that’s because it’s what my mom always cooked with. For the most part, I just buy whatever olive oil is cheapest and available at the local grocery store. At times, I have bought or been gifted craft oils, which bring a specific flavor to the dishes that I cook. It really does make a big difference in the taste and quality of my cooking. Recently, I was introduced to the Flavor Your Life campaign, which teaches home chefs about how (and why!) to choose olive oils that will compliment your food flavors. It is a great educational tool if you cook with olive oil frequently! read more

How Starting a Blog Can Help Your Direct Sales Business

Starting a blog can help your business to stand out in the social media crowd! Check out this post for reasons you should consider starting a blog. #directsales #mlm #networkmarketing #wahm #workfromhome

In an age where anyone can own a business from home, it can be really hard to stand out. You probably have friends who are repeatedly posting pictures of products that they sell on your Facebook feed while no one likes or comments on their posts. In addition, there are 1000’s of pages and groups that many people belong to and have no idea. So how do you get people to not only see, but also pay attention to your business? It’s all about personal branding and connecting with people on a personal level. read more

Sseko Review – Using Fashion for Good Through Direct Sales

Seek offers quality products AND quality opportunities for women in the US and Uganda! #directsales #fashionforward #workfromhome

As you’ve seen from my previous posts, I believe that direct sales companies can be a great thing for moms – and all women. Sskeo Designs is a footwear and accessory company that takes that concept one step further. American founder, Liz Forkin Bohannon, started Sseko with the intention of helping women in Uganda to fund their university educations. Now, Sseko is providing the opportunity for women in the US and Uganda to work together to help themselves move forward through financial freedom. Read on to see my review of the Sseko company, opportunity, and products! read more

Transitioning to the Grown-up Table (with help from Nuby)

Check out these great products that made our transition to the grown-up table a breeze! #toddler #toddlermom #mom #parenting

It’s crazy how quickly toddlers turn from babies into little people. Peanut wants to be with us and doing what we do constantly. He sees me brushing my hair, and wants to do the same; he sees me cooking, and pull out his own pots and pans; he sees me talking on the phone, and suddenly anything remotely phone shaped is being held up to his ear. Recently he decided that if I am eating my dinner with a fork, then he will only eat his dinner with a fork. The next natural step in teaching him to act like a small human seemed to be moving him from his high chair to the table with us. read more

How to Grow a Nutritious Vegetable Garden Quickly

Fresh veggies right from the garden are a treat for the whole family! Check out these tips to start your own nutritious vegetable garden. #freshproduce #vegetables #vegetablegarden

I don’t know about you, but I aost looking forward to summer right now. One of my favorite things about summer is fresh vegetables right from the garden! My husband is the “green thumb” in our family, so I usually leave the veggie growing to him. That’s why I have a special guest post for you from Ann over at Sumo Gardner. The gardening season will be here before you know it, and Ann is here to share her tips on how to grow a nutritious vegetable garden for the whole family to enjoy. read more

The Best Deals on Amazon Subscribe and Save February 2018

Subscribe and Save has amazing deals on diapers, baby supplies, snacks, coffee, and household staples. Check out the best #deals for February. #savings #diapers #budget #dealsformoms

Happy February! Another month means it’s time for another post on the great saving available from Amazon Subscribe and Save. You can use subscribe and save to find deals on diapers, baby food, snacks, personal care items, coffee, cleaning supplies, and just about any other consumable product that you use within your home. Keep reading to see suggestions for great deals on Amazon subscribe and save for your monthly order. read more