Pro-tips for Starting an Herb Garden

Starting an herb garden is healthy, inexpensive, and pretty easy! Check out these pro-tips for beginner herb gardening. #gardening #healthy #sustainableliving

Spring is just around the corner! My husband and I are itching to get our vegetable garden planted and add some flowers to our yard. One thing that we love year round is our little herb garden window. It’s just a tiny piece of fresh produce that keeps us going through the winter. In the beginning, it can be hard to learn which herbs grow well indoors or outdoors and how to care for them. That’s where avid gardener Craig comes in! Read on for Craig’s pro-tips to beginner herb gardening. You can also check out Craig’s Complete Guide on How to Grow an Indoor Herb Garden over on his blog Everything Backyard. read more

How to Grow a Nutritious Vegetable Garden Quickly

Fresh veggies right from the garden are a treat for the whole family! Check out these tips to start your own nutritious vegetable garden. #freshproduce #vegetables #vegetablegarden

I don’t know about you, but I aost looking forward to summer right now. One of my favorite things about summer is fresh vegetables right from the garden! My husband is the “green thumb” in our family, so I usually leave the veggie growing to him. That’s why I have a special guest post for you from Ann over at Sumo Gardner. The gardening season will be here before you know it, and Ann is here to share her tips on how to grow a nutritious vegetable garden for the whole family to enjoy. read more