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Why Choose a Spectra Breast Pump
With my first baby, I used a Medela pump, and struggled with a low milk output when pumping. When I was pregnant with my second, I asked around and found that many moms felt that they had better results when they used a Spectra. The Spectra S1 and Spectra S2
are mom favorites because they are quiet, comfortable, and efficient!
When it comes to choosing between the S1 and S2, the biggest difference is that the S1 comes with a rechargeable battery. That means you can pump cord-free. That one was a game changer for me.
Introduction to the Spectra Breast Pump
The Spectra S1 and S2 breast pumps feature what Spectra calls Natural Nursing Technology. The two modes and multiple settings are meant to mimic a nursing baby using a massage mode to induce let down followed by an expression mode to collect milk. How long you use each setting will vary based on your personal preferences and where you are in your nursing journey.
Pumping is Not One-Size-Fits-All
Many breastfeeding advocates, educators, and lactation consultants have some great information they share or even create, to help guide a pumping mother with efficient settings. While I would not say any of these are wrong, it is important to know that there is absolutely no one official prescription for all.
– Mirine MPH, IBCLC & Lactation Consultant with Spectra
The settings in this post are based off of my personal pump usage and a method that was suggested to me by many moms in my local community group. They are a good starting place as you find what works best for you. Play around with the times and settings that you use during your pumping session until you find a rhythm that works best. This may also vary from time to time.
Our best advice is to play with the settings and even jot down what you did and the output you got, along with the time because time of day and output vary for most.
As long as you are getting the yield you want and are staying comfortable, that is the most important rule to follow! We are here for free virtual consultations 7 days a week with our International Board Certified Lactation Consultant team, available on our website.
Tips for Using Your Spectra S1 or S2 Breast Pump
When it comes to figuring out the best settings for your Spectra S1/S2 breast pump, there is a bit of a learning curve. It can seem like there are so many different levels and functions that you don’t know where to start. Check out the method below to see a good starting point when trying to find what works best for you.
Our pumps were designed to best mimic the natural feeding behavior of the infant. Starting out with the initial latch, babies will nibble quickly to stimulate a let-down ( Massage mode, cycle of 70 and vacuum of up to 5).
Once the milk starts to flow (let-down) it is suggested that you press the massage mode button again to go into expression mode. Keeping the cycle fast (cycle of 54 or so, vacuum at comfort, 5 or more) . Many women stay here for a large portion of the pumping time.
Towards the end, slowing down, just like a sleepy baby getting full, (cycle lower, towards 38, vacuum up highest for comfort)
Many moms tell us though they need a second let-down and will start the process over with a cycle of 70 somewhere along the way, which is great.
Just as many moms, especially in the early weeks, will tell us they are most successful with cycle of 70 and vacuum of 3-5 for the whole session!
If you are looking for ways to prepare for breastfeeding while pregnant, check out this post.
You may also be interested in “10 Things I Wish Someone Had Told me About Breastfeeding”
The Best Settings for Using your Spectra S1 or S2 Breast Pump
70 Cycles (massage mode), Suction 1 for 2:00 to 3:00
You want to start out your pumping session in massage mode. To switch between massage mode and expression mode you want to hit the massage mode button – aka the button in the middle that looks like bacon. Start out at a low suction and increase up to 5. Switch into expression mode (push the bacon button) after your milk really gets flowing.
54 Cycles, Suction 4 for 3:00 to 4:00
After switching into expression mode, you want to slowly decrease your cycles (the sleepy baby effect mentioned by Mirine), and increase your suction. The method used in this post suggest accomplishing this by push the down button on your cycle and up button on your suction every few minutes until you hit the lowest cycle level, which is 38.
50 Cycles, Suction 5 for 3:00 to 4:00
46 Cycles, Suction 6 for 3:00 to 4:00
42 Cycles, Suction 7 for 3:00 to 4:00
38 Cycles, Suction 8 for 3:00 to 4:00
At this point, your milk flow may be starting to slow a little. This is a good time to switch back to massage mode to encourage another let down.
70 Cycles, Suction 4 or 5 for 0:30 to 1:00
After your milk is flowing again, you can switch back for a few more minutes of expression mode.
38 Cycles, Suction 8 (and increasing) for 3:00 to 4:00
While you are nearing the end, you can stick with 38 cycles and increase your suction level if it’s comfortable.
70 Cycles, Suction 4 or 5 for 3:00 to 4:00
To end out your pumping session, you can head back into massage mode to help you feel like you have fully emptied your breasts.
This method has some flexibility in time, so you can adapt to fit the needs of any time constraints that you have. For me, I was always the most comfortable and saw the best output after a full 30 minute pumping session. Some women prefer to pump in shorter time spans or feel like they don’t need as long. Everybody is different!
So what are the best settings for a Spectra S1 or S2 breast pump?
The best settings for your Spectra S1 or S2 breast pump will vary from person to person and even from session to session. As you start using your breast pump on a regular basis, you will figure out what works best for you. The pumping settings listed above are a good starting place for your pumping journey.