There are many factors that play into deciding to go back to work or not after becoming a mother.
For many moms, that decision is made by their financial situations. Simply, they either cannot afford to be a stay-at-home mom with their current lifestyle or they cannot afford the child care cost necessary to make it worth having a job. For other moms, it comes down to a matter of what makes it easiest to take care of the home and kids. Still for others, the decision rests on what will make mom feel the most fulfilled and successful. I think the key thing to remind yourself is that every family is different. Even more than that, your needs may change as your children grow. Some moms decide to take time off from their careers when baby is born. Some moms work less or leave their job to accommodate the more hectic schedules of older children and after school activities. We’re all different, and your goals may change, and that’s all ok!
Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of being a working mom:
Sense of self outside of being “just a mom” or “just a wife”
Time away from your children feels like time to yourself
Your children get the social experiences that come with childcare
Likely your budget will be easier to balance
Time away from your babies
It can be hard to find time to do chores
Time at home is split between relaxation/fun time and getting stuff done
General overwhelm between balancing work life and home life
If you like to have active goals and find yourself easily bored when spending time at home, being a working mom may be the best choice for you. Generally, if you just love your job, then you can find a way to make it work. You will be setting a great example of work ethic for your children and finding the right childcare will assure that they are still taken care of while you are at work.
To see more on this subject, check out:
10 Things That Suck About Being a Working Mom (plus 6 things that rock)
5 Reasons I’m Okay With Being A Working Mother
Your Career Doesn’t Have to Take a Backseat to Parenthood
How to Mentally Prepare to Return to Work as a New Mom
Now, some of the pros and cons of being a stay at home mom:
More time with your children
More time for housework
You teach your children the values that you want to during the day
You decide on developmental goals for your children
Adult interaction is hard to come by
Your children are mainly only learning from you
Children can make a mess as quickly as you can clean it
It can be hard to budget on one income
If you enjoy focusing on your child, creating developmental activities, and plenty of one-on-one time, being a stay at home mom may be the choice for you. You would be solely responsible for your child’s exposure to new environments and new language. That is both intimidating and exciting! There are many ways to keep busy and keep your child stimulated if that is what works best for your family.
To see more on this subject check out:
Can You Afford to be a Stay at Home Mom?
How to Enjoy Being a Stay at Home Mom (from Yoga Pants and Regret)
And lastly, let’s talk about the pros and cons of being a work from home mom:
Ability to make an income without the cost of childcare
Flexibility to set own hours and work schedule
No commute time
You set your own goals and accomplishments
No division between work life and home life
Hard to concentrate on kids because of work
Hard to concentrate on work because of kids
It take a lot of work
Working from home can sound like the best of both worlds – and in some ways it is! You get to stay with your kiddos and still have your own goals and career. In many ways, however, it can be harder than a traditional job or not working at all. Working while taking care of your kids can be hard. This will frequently lead to some creative time management. Setting your own goals and finding ways to market your work from home business or skill takes a lot of work. If you find create or entrepreneurial work to be fun, then this could be a great choice for you.
For more on this subject check out:
The Honest Truth About Making Money Online
The Reality of Starting a Money Making Blog
10 Great Direct Sales Companies for Moms
Obviously, I just scratched the surface on this subject. There are many things to consider when deciding if you want to return to work, become a stay at home mom, or work from home. It may take some time, but you will be able to find the right choice to make a good balance for your family.
Moms – How did you decide if going back to work or staying home is best for your family?